Pretty, healthy juice bottles!
The hubby and I have been getting sick a lot lately. Fever, colds, cough -- you name it, we had it. He has been getting sick from this virus that has been going around since forever in his workplace, and last week I caught it after he did. Needless to say, last week was pretty horrible for us, so we started taking vitamins regularly again and eating more fruits and veggies. We were also thinking of other healthy things to do, and I considered getting Juju Cleanse solo kits for us, since I tried the full one-day cleanse already and have experienced the health benefits of fresh, raw juice.
It was definitely such great timing that Kat Rempe Azanza of Juju Cleanse got in touch with me last week and sent over two Immune Boost Solo Kits for me and the hubby! A and I were feeling so under the weather, and we really needed an instant vitamin and nutrient boost. The juice kits were delivered to our place last Thursday and we made sure to drink it all as quickly as possible because they're fresh and raw, which means that they only last for about 1-2 days.
Posted this on Instagram after I got the cool kits
Immune Boosters
The Immune Boost Solo Kit consists of four juice bottles that are also part of the Juju Cleanse program. Each kit contains one Alkazest, two Green Bombs, and one Salaba't Lemon.
These juices were made to help boost the immune system. Alkazest is a mix of grapefruit, coconut water, and pineapple, which replenishes electrolytes, provides an energy boost, and is packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants. The Green Bomb is loaded with green goodness, with tons of nutrients and enzymes from celery, cucumber, coconut water, malunggay, pineapple, romaine lettuce, and spinach. Salaba't Lemon is a strong ginger tonic made with honey and lemon, which helps improve circulation, stimulates the digestive system, and acts as an expectorant for relief from respiratory problems.
The hubby and I started taking the juice on Thursday night right after we got them. I had a lot of fun watching his reactions to the different juices, since he was the newbie and I've tried them all before. Here's our Juju weekend diary -- a rundown of our experience, with some of my Twitter thoughts.
Thursday - 5:52pm
Blue Baby Treeson is sad because he's feeling as sick as me that night.
1st drink done. The Green Bomb (celery, cucumber, coconut water, malunggay, pineapple, lettuce, spinach) is growing on me. It's so easy now.
I started with the Green Bomb the afternoon I got the juices, because it was the most potent and I was very sick. I was surprised to find it quite pleasant -- a far cry from the first time I tried it when I did the one-day cleanse. I drank it while having a MasterChef US marathon.
Thursday - 10:48pm
Yellow Droplet kept our juice bottles company.
Our weeknight juice date
Wow a_wol surprisingly didn't have trouble w/ the Green Bomb, save for the comment, "I'm not used to drinking my veggies." Good job!
The hubby tried the Green Bomb when he got home and had no problems drinking the entire bottle! Taste really varies from person to person. I had the Salaba't Lemon as my second drink of the day, and the herbal bilo-bilo taste brought me comfort.
Friday - 1:31pm
Scavenger Marabel stands guard beside my green juice.
I was still sick the next day and spent most of the day sleeping. I had my second Green Bomb while watching Chopped on the Food Network during the few hours I was awake. I really like it now. I even spent a few seconds just staring at the bottle because I was so surprised at how it's agreeing with me. I know now that green juice is an acquired taste! If you don't like it at first, give it a second or third chance. You'll find that it gets easier and easier until it's actually tasty!
Friday - 7:11pm
Party time, LOL
Friday night, sick in bed. Just hanging out with hippie Dunny, my latest Doctor Who book, and Alkazest (coconut water, grapefruit, pineapple) Juju.
I saved the Alkazest for Friday night because it's the time when I would be wanting to go out but I can't. I wanted to have a fun drink to look forward to. This juice is really my favorite Juju after the Spicy Limonada from the Juju Cleanse program. It actually has a beach cocktail vibe to it, it's so yummy.
Friday - 10:14pm
The hubby's glasses, Domokun, and the ginger juice bomb
Finished my Green Bomb & Alkazest earlier but a_wol's trying the Salaba't Lemon for the 1st time. "Whoa! This better get rid of my cough!"
He downed a leafy green juice effortlessly but as it turns out, his kryptonite is ginger. Here he is downing Salaba't Lemon (ginger, honey, lemon) Juju. LOL [Instagram video]
Taste is relative! A was okay with the green juice but he can't handle ginger! He tried the Salaba't Lemon when he got home from work. It was so funny. He handled it like a man though and finished the entire bottle.
Friday - 10:32pm
A shared his Alkazest with me and Orange Tofu.
A wanted a yummy drink after the ginger debacle so he followed it up with his Alkazest. I still wanted juice but I was done with my kit, so he shared some of his with me! He loved it. "Finally, something normal!" Haha.
Saturday - 4:13pm
Shared a bottle of Juju while watching the UAAP finals. Miruku Tokidoki kept the juice company this time.
Aleq was pretty busy so he only had the chance to get to his last Green Bomb bottle on Saturday. We were relieved to find that the juice was still okay then! We shared the bottle while watching the UAAP finals (Go USTe!).
Good juice
The past week was a lesson for us in making health our priority, and we're glad Juju Cleanse was a part of it. We were amazed to find both of us feeling better on Saturday night and almost 100% better by the time Sunday rolled around. My bad cold, which was still horrendous on Friday was non-existent by Saturday night. A still coughs from time to time now but he's feeling good. We think it was the combination of vitamin tablets, Berocca, medicine, fruits, and veggies plus the massive nutrient and vitamin boost from the Immune Boost Solo Kit that did the trick.
We're going to try and see if we can make green juice and other healthy smoothies at home with our blender, but the next time we need an instant health boost, we're ordering from Juju Cleanse. We want to try the Anti-Stress and Complexion Solo Kits next time as well. Thanks Kat and Juju Cleanse for the wonderful juice kits! They were just what we needed.
Full Disclosure: The kits were sent to us by Juju Cleanse. This is not a sponsored post, and all opinions are my own.
I've meaning to Juju but haven't found the time. I really need to detox and cleanse before I get another tummy trouble episode.
ReplyDeletePS: I looove your photos! Hihi cute little critters
Are you planning a 1-day, 2-day, or 3-day cleanse? Schedule it na! It's great, plus I think you'll do better than me on the veggie juice front.