Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bookworming: Book Haul 112313

I went to High Street last Saturday thinking of clothes and makeup, but I ended up with a ton of books instead. I stepped inside Fully Booked and just lost it. The hubby says I had this giddy smile the entire night afterwards, heh. Besides, books simply last longer. Makeup and clothes are pretty much temporary things, while books stay around for years and years -- almost forever, actually. Here's my eclectic haul.

The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories 3 by hitRecord and Joseph Gordon-Levitt
I saw this last and had to get it! I have the first Tiny Book and loved it, so this was a must-buy for me. I can't for the life of me find the second book here though! I will have to keep looking. These books are completely adorable but they also get you thinking. 

Attachments and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
After reading Eleanor & Park, I had to follow it up with Rainbow Rowell's other books. Attachments was published before Eleanor & Park, while Fangirl just came out and is the author's latest book. I can't wait to start reading these!

Classic Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
This is a beautiful book of classic fairy tales. The stories are the realistic ones that are far from the Disney versions, and they don't always have happy endings. I have always wanted a copy. 

It'll be a while before I get through these books, but I'll be posting reviews as I finish each one. I've already started with the fairy tales, and so far it has been such a nostalgic treat! I'm such a happy bookworm right now. 


  1. "Makeup and clothes are pretty much temporary things, while books stay around for years and years -- almost forever, actually."

    I agree!! :)

    1. I love clothes and makeup, but books provide the better bang for the buck. You can read them over and over and yet they still last so much longer. :D
