Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Home Base: Hopes for 2014

It's January 2014 -- the start of a brand new year. This is the time when people -- myself included --  usually make resolutions. It's the season for making a change. You know, out with the old, in with the new, etc.

It's hard not to get into that kind of hopeful spirit, and lately I've been finding myself thinking about all my hopes and goals for this year at random times of the day. My brain is all muddled up though, and it usually runs faster than I can write or talk about things, so, contrary to what it seems like, this isn't going to be a New Year's resolutions post. This is just a rambling sort of post, where I talk about my hopes for this year and sort out what's going around in my mind.

From my Instagram last Monday

The photo from my Instagram (follow me there @liatenshi) of my planner filled with last week's hectic work and personal activities kind of encapsulate my goals for this year. I have career hopes, plans for this website, fitness agendas, other personal to-dos, including fun stuff with family, friends, and my husband.

I just renewed today, which means this blog will be a year old in a few days. I have had the domain for 3 years -- I left it dormant for 2 -- and it looks like it will be here to stay. I have discovered over the past year that I really enjoy doing this personal project of mine. Since this is the place for everything I love and obsess about, and the home for my favorite things, most of the resolutions in my head will find its way here. I may not be able to write them all down, but they will show up here for sure!

In a way, I've already started. I've added a new tag called Home Base to the Site Map. It will be the place where I can talk about everyday life. I want this site to be more "me" in a sense -- without getting too personal -- not just about new stuff I bought or what I wore. (Don't worry -- those are still going to be around, because they're fun!) Just think more lifestyle, since that's really what this site is about anyway.

One of my other resolutions of sorts is to think up more creative uses for this space. I've been lazy the past year, but this year, I'm feeling more inspired to make the most out of this little corner of mine on the Web.

I have a good feeling about 2014. I'm excited to see what's going to happen this year.

What about you? Have you set any resolutions for yourself? Did you write them down, set them in stone, type them out, or are you like me and you're just keeping everything in your head? Let me know in the comments!

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