Sunday, September 28, 2014

Home Base: New Crystals

Earlier this year, the hubby and I plus our friends discovered crystals. They're not only pretty -- they're also incredibly helpful. Long story short, we've found them to be amazing at bringing good vibes into our lives.

We've all been going back to Binondo ever since (hello Sheva, Cielo, and Verns), because there are a lot of crystals on our list and we have yet to find all of them. We got a few new ones recently so here's an update.

My current stash

His current stash

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Beauty Loot: New Things + An Update

Hello! I'm back! I know, it's been a while. I really missed blogging -- and reading other blogs for that matter. The Blue Purse is always on my mind, but life has been ridiculously busy lately. Life happened as usual, and it's the same old story, but this time I have a really good excuse.

Mostly, I've been busy with work. The past month was crazy hectic, and then when things finally slowed down, I had to catch up with family and friends whom I've neglected. Seriously, I don't have the time to sleep these days, much less surf and read and cook and watch TV and focus on any hobbies. I'm going to get a handle on life at some point, and I hope that's soon, but for now, I'm trying, so please bear with me.

Let's start with a fun topic -- beauty! Since I haven't been blogging, products have piled up on me. This is a collective haul of sorts, because I'm excited to share all my new things. Read on.