

The Blue Purse © 2016. Some rights reserved. 

Everything on this site (content, images, banners, and text), unless otherwise stated, is owned by The Blue Purse. 

This site is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

You are free to share (copy/distribute/transmit) and remix (adapt) the contents of this site provided that you give attribution, but not in any way that suggests that I or the site endorses you or your use of the content. In short, please give me and the site credit, and link back to TheBluePurse.com. 

If you choose to share content from this site with others, you may do so provided that it is done under the same license or a similar one. Sharing is for non-commercial purposes only. For commercial purposes, please contact me. 


All editorial content here is mine and not those of any individual or group. Except where otherwise noted, everything is bought with my own money. I will always disclose any gifts or items sent to me, and all sponsored posts will be appropriately labeled. Reviews are my own and are not influenced by any company, advertiser, organization, or brand. This blog is a member of some affiliate programs, but please note that all opinions are my own. 


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Comments are encouraged on TheBluePurse.com, but there are instances when comments will be deleted. Those are in the case of comments deemed to be spam, or may seem like spam; those that include questionable links, profanity, and language or concepts deemed offensive; and those that attack a person individually. 

The owner of this website reserves the right to delete any comments submitted to this website without notice. This policy is subject to change at any time. 

For any questions, comments, suggestions, and violent reactions, please contact thebluepurse[at]gmail.com or use this page