Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bookworming: Doctor Who - Beautiful Chaos by Gary Russell

I've been going through books like mad lately, and the last one I finished is Doctor Who: Beautiful Chaos by Gary Russell. I'm a Whovian, so when I saw this book at Fully Booked, I knew I had to have it for my Doctor Who collection.

This book is a part of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary collection, where each Doctor has his own book. Ten (played by David Tennant), is my Doctor, so picking a book among the eleven books was a no-brainer. I was a bit hesitant because the plot involved Donna Noble, the Doctor's companion that never quite made it to my list of favorites, but that little detail was easily overlooked. This is a novel about the Tenth Doctor, and I wasn't going to let it slip by.

After reading the book, I could say that I have no regrets. It was an absolute classic Doctor Who story. It was actually the kind that would be a season finale for the TV show. It had the typical Doctor Who plot -- alien wreaks havoc on Earth, the Doctor comes to the aid of the world with the help of his companion and friends, the planet is safe once again. However, it was far from predictable. It was a riot of an adventure from start to finish, with a some wonderful tender moments in between. Beautiful chaos? That, it is. The writing was so on-point in the sense that the dialogue really brought David Tennant as the Doctor to mind, and it was the same way with Donna Noble as well. Gary Russell was able to capture the essence of the characters so perfectly. Heck, it even made me like Donna a bit, which is a feat!

This is truly a book for Whovians, but even non-Whovians will find something to like about this book. It's a straight-up fun-filled, humorous, action-packed sci-fi read.  

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